Browse through our Gallery to find awe-inspiring spaces that will fuel your own ideas!
Clean and Tidy
Got smudges? Be sure to wipe your mirror down and that the space around it is nice and clean so the focus will be on your frame or mirror!!
Right Angles
It's all about the right angle! Try taking the photo from an angle to reduce unwanted glares and reflections in your mirror.
Think About Lighting
Good lighting is key for a quality photo! Indoor lighting and natural daylight are best. Try to avoid shooting towards a bright window or using the flash.
Browse through our Gallery to find awe-inspiring spaces that will fuel your own ideas!
Once each month, we will notify the winner via email. If an entrant is unable to be contacted after reasonable attempts have been made, Frame My Mirror reserves the right to offer the prize to the next best entry.
Must be submitted as a JPEG or PNG. Preferably high-resolution.
By submitting your photos to Frame My Mirror, you agree to grant Frame My Mirror (free of charge) the right to use the photo in any manner and media, without limitation, the right to publish, adapt, distribute, copy, display or translate in printed or electronic media even if they are not the winning entries. The participant must certify and warrant the submitted photo(s) does not violate the rights of a third party or any copyright. Frame My Mirror is not responsible for any intellectual property violations that might have resulted through submission of photos.
The $250 reward can be given as a refund for a previous purchase or as a Frame My Mirror® eGiftCard. If previous order total amount is less than $250, the remaining balance will be given as a Frame My Mirror® eGiftCard. Refunds can only be given on the card used as payment for the original order. Please allow 5-7 business days for your refund to be posted by your bank account or credit card company. Frame My Mirror reserves the right to modify or cancel the contest or any of the arrangements, schedules, plans or other items direclty or indirectly related to the contest, at any time and for any reason if deemed necessary.