Throw open the windows and shake the dust off the curtains — it’s spring cleaning time! Across the nation, folks are vacuuming behind refrigerators and wiping down their window blinds. It’s the perfect time of year to get your home feeling refreshed and renewed, but even the most accomplished and organized clean freaks forget a few things now and then. Be sure to add these oft-overlooked items to your seasonal cleaning routine.
It’s gross to think about scrubbing yourself clean in a place that’s secretly harboring mold, mildew and grime — and that’s exactly what likes to hide in your shower curtain. Yes, it’s a chore to rehang the liner and curtain on the little hooks, but you’ll feel much better once you do.The good news: Most cloth shower curtains can be easily tossed in the washing machine. You may clean plastic shower curtain liners on a gentle cycle using detergent, vinegar, and baking soda. If your liner is at the point of no return, consider swapping it out with a new one.
While you (hopefully!) wash your sheets about every week, your cozy duvet probably gets tossed on a chair on laundry day and goes unwashed. If you think about it, that cover is used every day — so don’t forget to clean it occasionally! Shoving the duvet back into the duvet cover can be quite the task, so have a friend or partner on deck and ready to help.

Giving your toilet bowl a good scrub is an item on just about every cleaning to-do list, but have you forgotten about the base? The pedestal part of the toilet is often overlooked, and — ick! — tends to pile up dust and other yuckiness over time. Do yourself a favor and give your throne a good once-over.

Make your mirrors glisten and gleam! Step one is to dust your frame and wipe off any dirt or grime. Next, use your favorite glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth to make your mirrors really shine (without leaving the fuzzy residue of paper towels).
Making your own glass cleaner is easy, effective, and inexpensive — a win, win win by our book! One of the easiest ways to make your own glass cleaner is to use a simple combination of dish soap, white vinegar, and water.

For more homemade glass cleaner recipes that we love and use, check out this post.Your annual spring cleaning campaign is the perfect time to check in on the status of your mirrors — are the edges desilvered? Are there any visible cracks? If it’s time to upgrade the look, add a mirror frame to give your mirror a second life, or shop our ready-to-hang Decorative Mirrors now!
1.) Clean or change your shower curtain.
It’s gross to think about scrubbing yourself clean in a place that’s secretly harboring mold, mildew and grime — and that’s exactly what likes to hide in your shower curtain. Yes, it’s a chore to rehang the liner and curtain on the little hooks, but you’ll feel much better once you do.The good news: Most cloth shower curtains can be easily tossed in the washing machine. You may clean plastic shower curtain liners on a gentle cycle using detergent, vinegar, and baking soda. If your liner is at the point of no return, consider swapping it out with a new one.
2.) Launder your duvet cover.
While you (hopefully!) wash your sheets about every week, your cozy duvet probably gets tossed on a chair on laundry day and goes unwashed. If you think about it, that cover is used every day — so don’t forget to clean it occasionally! Shoving the duvet back into the duvet cover can be quite the task, so have a friend or partner on deck and ready to help.

3.) Clean the base of your toilet.
Giving your toilet bowl a good scrub is an item on just about every cleaning to-do list, but have you forgotten about the base? The pedestal part of the toilet is often overlooked, and — ick! — tends to pile up dust and other yuckiness over time. Do yourself a favor and give your throne a good once-over.

4.) Give all your mirrors a thorough cleaning.
Make your mirrors glisten and gleam! Step one is to dust your frame and wipe off any dirt or grime. Next, use your favorite glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth to make your mirrors really shine (without leaving the fuzzy residue of paper towels).
Making your own glass cleaner is easy, effective, and inexpensive — a win, win win by our book! One of the easiest ways to make your own glass cleaner is to use a simple combination of dish soap, white vinegar, and water.

How to make glass cleaner:
- Add a half teaspoon of dish soap and 1 cup of white vinegar to a gallon of warm water.
- Mix well, add to a spray bottle, and get to work!
- Note that the vinegar may have a strong smell at first, but it fades quickly.
For more homemade glass cleaner recipes that we love and use, check out this post.Your annual spring cleaning campaign is the perfect time to check in on the status of your mirrors — are the edges desilvered? Are there any visible cracks? If it’s time to upgrade the look, add a mirror frame to give your mirror a second life, or shop our ready-to-hang Decorative Mirrors now!